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What we do

What we do

About us

We shape experiences, developing projects from the scale of objects to urbanism, understanding architecture as a tool for transforming urban spaces.

With knowledge of the financial and real estate market dynamics, we create sustainable products aligned with market demands and committed to the city even at small scales.

Through a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, we conceive integrated and efficient projects, paying meticulous attention to details, combining technology with architecture and urban economics.

Our mission goes beyond creating spaces; it’s also about changing the world, one project at a time. We aim to leave a lasting and positive legacy, improving people’s quality of life and contributing to the sustainable development of the urban environment in which we operate.

Urban Design

Com base na experiência em desenvolvimento de projetos multidisciplinares em BIM, juntamente com as metodologias de gerenciamento ágil, aprimoramos o nosso processo de desenvolvimento de projetos.


Composto por microetapas, este processo permite um envolvimento maior entre todos os participantes. Isso possibilita que o trabalho seja mais linear, com fases mais curtas e validações mais rápidas, o que além de otimizar os prazos também minimiza os retrabalhos de toda a equipe.



Urban Design



Analysis of the documentation provided by the client and the legislation, in order to guide the entrepreneur regarding the legal restrictions that may influence the design of the intended real estate product, in order to verify its market and economic viability.

Urban Design

Com base na experiência em desenvolvimento de projetos multidisciplinares em BIM, juntamente com as metodologias de gerenciamento ágil, aprimoramos o nosso processo de desenvolvimento de projetos.


Composto por microetapas, este processo permite um envolvimento maior entre todos os participantes. Isso possibilita que o trabalho seja mais linear, com fases mais curtas e validações mais rápidas, o que além de otimizar os prazos também minimiza os retrabalhos de toda a equipe.


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Urban Design



Analysis of the documentation provided by the client and the legislation, in order to guide the entrepreneur regarding the legal restrictions that may influence the design of the intended real estate product, in order to verify its market and economic viability.

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